Figure 2.
Superimposed OCT images of a right eye in central gaze (red reference image in all cases), 35° adduction (green, left column), and 35° abduction (green, right column). Top row: Ten mm-wide OCT scans. Red (central gaze) and green lines (eccentric gaze) connect nBMO and tBMO. Bottom row: Magnified views of rectangular area in top panels. Left column: In adduction, tBMO shifts posteriorly (a), nBMO shifts anteriorly (b), and ONH tilts temporally (c). Vertical distance from the BMO connecting line to the bottom of the OC was measured in central gaze (*) and in adduction (d) to determine the OC displacement. Right column: In abduction, tBMO shifts anteriorly (a), nBMO shifts posteriorly (b), and ONH tilts nasally (c). Note that the absolute BMO displacements and ONH tilt angles are greater in 35° adduction than in 35° abduction.