Figure 5.
3D endothelialized channels generated within photodegradable fluorescent gels (green). Two identical parallel-oriented channels are interconnected with cylindrical channels in the Y-direction. 10 days following microvessel endothelialization with HUVECs, samples were fixed and stained prior to imaging by multiphoton microscopy. F-actin is shown in red, nuclei in green. A) 3D model of patterned channels. Endothelialized sample is visualized B) as a 3D render and C–F) as Z-, X-, and Y-cross sectional views. Dashed white lines indicate cross-sectional areas observed. An additional Z-cross-sectional area between the two channel sets (location denoted by dashed black line) demonstrates interconnectivity in the Z direction. Endothelialization of G–H) 60 μm x 60 μm and I–J) 45 μm x 45 μm (width x height) channels was obtained. F-actin is shown in red, nuclei in blue. G) and I) represent XY projections; H) and J) are YZ slices. C–E) are all to scale, as are G–J).