Inhibition of TGFβ-signaling stimulates the formation of proliferating MGPCs in damaged retinas. Eyes were injected with 60 nmol NMDA alone (control) or 60 nmol NMDA + inhibitor (SIS3 or SB431542) at P6, EdU alone or EdU+inhibitor at P7 and P8, and retinas harvested at P9. Sections of the retina were labeled for EdU (red) and antibodies to Sox9 (green; a), Klf4 (green) and Sox2 (red; f), a read-out of mTor-signaling pS6 (green; d), and Pax6 (green) and Sox9 (red; h).The box plots illustrate the mean, upper extreme, lower extreme, upper quartile and lower quartile. The plots illustrate the abundance of proliferating MGPCs, NIRG cells, and microglia (b,c), and levels of pS6, Klf4 and Pax6 in Müller glia/MGPCs (e,g,i). Significance of difference (*p<0.05, ***p<0.001) was determined by using a two-tailed paired student’s t-test. Arrows indicate the nuclei of MGPCs. The calibration bars in a, d, e and g indicate 50 μm. Abbreviations: INL – inner nuclear layer, IPL – inner plexiform layer, GCL – ganglion cell layer, ONL – outer nuclear layer.