Figure 4.
Proliferating myogenic cell counts (count / 100 fibers) from soleus (Sol) and gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscles. a) overall bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)+/myogenic cell in Sol (left panel) and GM (right panel). a Reloading plus vibration (Vib) more than reloading control (Ctrl) in Sol, p<0.001; b Day 14 more than Day 7 in Sol, p<0.05; c Day 14 more than Day 21 in Sol, p=0.052; d Day 14 more than Day 7 in GM; e Day 14 more than Day 21 in GM, p<0.001; b) Sol: fiber type specific BrdU+/myogenic cell associated with type I, IIA and IIB fibers. a Vib more than Ctrl in type I, p<0.05; b Vib more than Ctrl in type IIA, p< 0.05; c Day 14 > Day 7 in type IIB, p<0.001; d Day 14 > Day 21 in type IIB, p<0.001; c) GM: fiber type specific BrdU+/myogenic cell associaed with type I, IIA and IIB fibers. a Vib more than Ctrl in type IIB, p<0.05 (interaction, p<0.001); b Day 14 > Day 7 in type IIA, p<0.01; c Day 14 > Day 21 in type IIA, p<0.01; d Day 14 > Day 7 in type IIB, p<0.01; e Day 14 > Day 21 in type IIB, p<0.001; main effects and interaction detected from Two-way ANOVA coupled with post-hoc Bonferroni test.