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. 2017 Sep 21;17(12):1–124.

Table A2:

Design and Characteristics of the Randomized Controlled Trials

Author, Year Country N (intervention/control) Funding Follow-up Population Methods Intervention Comparator Other Treatment Procedures Outcomes
Najafi et al, 201630 United States 49 (23/26)
Qatar National Research Foundation
3 months or complete ulcer healing—whichever came first
Noninfected, nonischemic foot ulcers, plantar neuropathic foot ulcers
Age >18 years
Excluded: peripheral arterial disease; major foot amputation; active Charcot arthropathy
Computer-generated randomization
Sequentially numbered, opaque envelopes kept at the site
Analyses: Chi-square or Fisher's exact test for proportions; Spearman correlation for the association between patient characteristics and outcomes
Removable cast walker (DH Offloading Walker)
Patients instructed to cleanse wound daily and apply a dressing
Instructions to inspect the wound with dressing change and how to detect signs of worsening Instructions not to walk without the device
Irremovable cast walker (DH Offloading Walker wrapped with a cohesive bandage)
Wound care similar to intervention group, but weekly cast walker reapplication
Standard treatment: wound debridement, moisture-retentive dressings Ulcer size reduction
Percent healed ulcers
Daily physical activity
Largest ulcer used for outcome assessment if >1 ulcer present
Piaggesi et al, 201628 Italy
65 (23/22/20)
No funding support
3 months or complete ulcer healing—whichever came first
Diabetes type 1 or 2 >5 years' duration
Forefoot plantar ulcers grades >1 cm2
Lasting >6 weeks
Grades 1A or 2Aa
Peripheral neuropathy
Excluded: peripheral arterial disease; osteomyelitis; contralateral ulcers;
Charcot foot; lower limb edema; previous amputations in the affected or contralateral limb; metabolic decompensation; BMI >35 kg/m2
Consecutive patients Computer-generated randomization
Outcome assessor was blinded to treatment group
Analyses: nonparametric f-tests for continuous variables; Kaplan-Meier test for survival data; chi-square, Fisher's exact tests for proportions
Fibreglass total contact casting (Softcast 3M and Scotchcast 3M)
Padding over the ulcer
Irremovable cast walker (Optima Diab) using dedicated straps provided by manufacturer
Removable cast walker (Optima Diab)
Hole cut in the intermediate layer of the insole in the location of the ulcer to reduce pressure
Standard treatment for neuropathic ulcers Debridement
Inert hydrofibre dressing
Patient education on how to use devices
Weekly reinforcement of the importance of adherence (wearing the removable cast walker at all times)
Ulcer survivalb
Time to healing
Ulcer size reduction
Percent healed ulcers
Patient satisfaction (VAS 0–10)
Lavery et al, 201516
United States
73 (23/27/23)
United States National Institutes of Health
3 months or complete ulcer healing—whichever came first
Grades 1A or 2A forefoot plantar ulcersa
Excluded: severe peripheral vascular disease; untreated osteomyelitis; Charcot arthropathy with severe residual deformity that would not permit the use of a walker boot
Computer-generated randomization
Analyses: ITT and per-protocol analysis; chi-square test for proportions; multivariate ANOVA for continuous outcomes; power calculation not reported
Fibreglass total contact casting (personal communication with the author)
Frequency of cast change NR
Shear cast walker (Glidesoft)
Healing sandals (Sroufe Deluxe Chevron shoe with 8 mm Plastazote insole)
Hydrogel dressing
Fine-mesh gauze for covering the wound
Patients assessed every 7–10 days
Percent healed ulcersb Patient satisfaction (VAS 0–10) Patient activity level Complications Reasons for withdrawal
Largest ulcer used for outcome assessment if >1 ulcer present
Gutekunst et al, 201133
United States 23 (11/12)
United States National Institutes of Health
Follow-up NR
Peripheral neuropathy >1 incident plantar foot ulcer (Grade 1–2)c
Excluded: wound infection; lower-extremity ischemia or cellulitis
Com puter-generated randomization
Analyses: chi-square test for proportions; f-test for continuous variables; power calculation not performed because no difference was expected between groups
Total contact casting (plaster and fibreglass mix)
Frequency of cast change NR
Removable cast walker Antimicrobial sock Pressure-measuring insole in offloading device for both groups Offloading capacityb Percent healed ulcers Time to ulcer healing
Faglia et al, 201034 Italy
45 (23/22)
Contributions from the removable cast walker manufacturer 3 months
Neuropathic plantar forefoot ulcer
Grade 1Aa Excluded: peripheral neuropathy; clinical signs of infection; osteomyelitis; impaired balance; contralateral foot ulcers
Consecutive patients Randomization using sealed envelopes Open-label
Analysis: Kaplan-Meier test/log-rank test for time to healing
Total contact casting (Softcast 3M and Scotchcast 3M)
German cotton
Tubular stockinet
Protective layer of rubber foam to protect bony protrusions Stick made of Scotchcast bandage in the middle of the two malleoli, extending for 20 cm to provide rigidity
Rigid plantar sole built with same material as stick Aluminum stirrup for walking
Device removed and dressing changed weekly
Removable cast walker with rigid, boat-shaped, full rocker-bottom sole (Stabil D)
Device removed and dressing changed weekly
Debridement Paraffin gauze dressing Ulcer area reductionb Percent healed ulcers Time to ulcer healing
Van de Weg et al, 200835
43 (23/20)
Partially funded by a manufacturer; unclear whether it was the manufacturer of any of the devices used in the study
4 months
Plantar ulcers grades 1 or 2c
Peripheral neuropathy Excluded: peripheral arterial disease; osteomyelitis
Randomization using opaque sealed envelopes
Ulcer measurement performed by blinded assessor (not easy to maintain)
Time of ulcer healing, self-reported
Analyses: ITT; type of analysis not provided for outcomes other than ulcer area reduction; power calculation based on ulcer area reduction
Total contact casting (unclear if fibreglass)
Adhesive foam over bony prominences
Cast shoes with polyphasic rocker
Crutch/cane to maintain balance if poor posture stability Cast changed weekly
Custom-made temporary shoe
Felt, rigid leather socket stiffened with Rhenoflex
Education on the importance of adherence
Debridement Hypertrophic edges removed
Dressing (Aquacell) application
Antibiotic if necessary
Ulcer area reductionb
Time to healing
Percent healed ulcers
Reasons for withdrawal
Largest ulcer used for outcome assessment if >1 ulcer present
Caravaggi et al, 200732 Italy
58 (29/29)
Funding information NR 3 months
Neuropathic ulcer of the plantar surface
Included ulcers correlated with Charcot neuroarthropathy deformities
Excluded: superficial tissue infections; osteomyelitis; TcPO2 >30 mm Hg; peripheral arterial disease; severe visual deficit; amputation of contralateral limb
Consecutive patients Randomization procedure not reported
Analyses: Kaplan-Meier to estimate time to healing and healing rate; Fisher's exact test for proportion of ulcer healing; power calculation not reported
Fibreglass total contact cast (Softcast 3M and Scotchcast 3M)
Included rubber heel for walking for forefoot ulcers
Walking stirrup for midfoot ulcers
Frequency of cast changes not provided
Before casting: German cotton application, especially over bony
protrusions; stockinet on lower limb
Removable cast walker (Aircast Pneumatic Walker, XP Diabetic Walker)
Reminder to adhere to treatment at every visit
Surgical debridement every 12 days
Dressing: mesh of hyaluronic acid covered with polyurethane foam
Ulcer surface area reduction
Time to healing
Percent healed ulcers
Reasons for withdrawal
Piaggesi et al, 200729 Italy
40 (20/20)
Contributions from the removable cast walker manufacturer
3 months or ulcer closure—whichever came first
Diabetes (type 1 or 2) >5 years
Peripheral neuropathy
Forefoot plantar ulcer >3 weeks
Grade 1A or 2A,a area >1 cm2
Excluded: peripheral vascular disease; infection, edema; osteomyelitis; Charcot neuroarthropathy
All patients attending the foot clinic were screened for eligibility
Computer-generated randomization
Analyses: ITT analysis; Student's f-test and Kaplan-Meier for survival data; chi-square tests for proportions
Fibreglass total contact casting (Softcast 3M and Scotchcast 3M)
Layer of isolating foam over ulcer
Layer of cotton wool
1–2 rubber heels for walking
Changed every week
Cast walker (Optima Diab) rendered irremovable by using a plastic nonremovable lace
Layer of cotton wool
3-layer insoles
Changed every week
Patient education on how to use device
Standard treatment for neuropathic ulcers
Surgical debridement
Paraffin gauze dressing, then covered with sterile gauze Patient education on how to use device
Percent healed ulcersb Mean healing time Complications Patient satisfaction (VAS 0–10) Length of procedure Cost of treatment (materials)
Katz et al, 200536 United States 41 (20/21)
Contributions from the walker manufacturer
3 months or ulcer healing—whichever came first
Chronic (>7 days with surrounding area of callus), noninfected, nonischemic stage IA or 2Aa ulcers
Peripheral neuropathy
Excluded: Charcot arthropathy
Consecutive patients
Randomization using a random number table
Analyses: log-rank test for survival data; t-test for dichotomous variables; 95% power for 5% difference in primary outcome; 35% power for 25% in complication rates
Total contact casting (unclear if fibreglass)
Device replaced every week
Irremovable cast walker (removable cast walker [Royce Medical] wrapped in fibreglass casting material)
Device replaced every week
Debridement as needed
Dressing application Weekly follow-up
Percent healed ulcersb
Time to healing
Time to place and remove devices
Armstrong et al, 200537
United States
50 (25/25)
United States Department of Veteran Affairs
3 months or ulcer healing—whichever came first
Peripheral neuropathy
Forefoot plantar ulcer
Grade 1A ulcera
Lack of severe peripheral vascular disease
Lack of active infection
Computer-generated randomization
Analyses: Kaplan-Meier life table analysis (logrank test); chi-square test for dichotomous variables; power calculation provided
Irremovable cast walker: removable walker (Active Offloading Walker; Royce Medical) wrapped entirely in a cohesive bandage Removable cast walker (Active Offloading Walker; Royce Medical) Surgical debridement as needed
Weekly follow-up for device inspection, wound care, and debridement
Patients instructed to wear their devices during ambulation
Percent healed ulcers Time to healing
Largest ulcer used for outcome assessment if >1 ulcer present
Armstrong et al, 200138
United States
63 (19/20/24)
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
3 months or ulcer healing—whichever came first
Neuropathic diabetic plantar foot ulcer
Noninfected, Grade 1Aa
At least one palpable foot pulse or TcPO2 >40 mm Hg at dorsum of forefoot
Excluded: inability to walk without wheelchair assistance; wounds on the heel, rear foot, or nonplantar; severe peripheral vascular disease
Computerized randomization schedule
Analyses: ANOVA with correction for multiple comparisons for continuous variables; chi-square test for dichotomous variables; Kaplan-Meier with logrank test for survival outcomes
Total contact casting (fibreglass and plaster)
Casting change frequency NR (weekly wound inspection)
Removable cast walker (Aircast)
Half-shoe (Darco, WV)
Wound care and debridement
Surgical debridement if needed
Weekly visits
Percent healed ulcersb
Time to healing
Reasons for withdrawal
Activity levelb
Quality of life (SF-36) in separate publication40
Largest ulcer used for outcome assessment if >1 ulcer present
Caravaggi et al, 200031
50 (26/24)
Funding information not available
30 days
Peripheral neuropathy
Plantar ulcers
Excluded: deep or superficial tissue infections; osteomyelitis; peripheral arterial disease; severe balance problems; severe visual deficit; other foot skin lesions; plantar bilateral ulcers; amputation of a limb
Consecutive patients
Centralized randomization Analyses: chi-square test for dichotomous variables; f-test for continuous variables; power calculation based on healing rate outcome
Fibreglass total contact cast (Softcast 3M and Scotchcast 3M)
Stick made of Scotchcast 3M in the middle of the two malleoli extending for 20 cm to provide rigidity
Rigid plantar insole built of same material as stick
Aluminum stirrup or rubber heel, depending on position of the ulcer, to allow walking
Elevation of the opposite foot to ease walking, patient training
Before casting: German cotton especially over bony protrusions; stockinet on lower limb
Therapeutic shoes with rocker-bottom sole
Plastazote insole with an area of offloading
Unaffected foot received the same shoe without the offloading area
Dressing changes every 2 days
Surgical debridement if necessary
Paraffin gauze dressing
Ulcer healing rateb
Percent healed ulcers Patient acceptance (VAS 1–100)
Mueller et al, 198939 United States 40 (21/19)
Funded by the Foundation for Physical Therapy
Unclear (approximately 90 days based on ranges for ulcer healing)
Peripheral neuropathy
Plantar ulcers
Grade 1–2d
No gross infection
Excluded: osteomyelitis; gangrene
Tested the hypothesis of no difference in ulcers healed or time to healing between groups
No details about randomization procedure
Analysis: chi-square test for dichotomous variables
Total contact cast (plaster [inner layer] and fibreglass)
Inner layer: plaster shell reinforced by plaster splints Outer layer: fibreglass for durability and to allow weight bearing sooner
Walking heel attached
Assistive devices (walkers, crutches) provided if needed
First cast change 5–7 days after initial application; if no complications, changes every 2–3 weeks
Traditional dressing treatment
Healing sandal, extra-depth shoe with Plastazote insert
Dressing change 2–3 times daily; nurse home visit for dressing change if needed
Follow-up every 2–4 weeks
Percent healed ulcers Time to healing Complications

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; BMI, body mass index; ITT, intention-to-treat; NR, not reported; SF-36, Short-Form 36-item health survey; TcPO2, transcutaneous oxygen; VAS, visual analogue scale.


University of Texas Classification of Diabetic Wounds.42


Primary outcome.


Wagner Foot Ulcer Grading System.65