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. 2017 Oct 5;12(10):e0184567. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184567

Table 2. The clinical condition and respiratory support of ten preterm infants along with the nursing response to critical alarms based on video monitoring.

The last row shows the median (IQR) values.

Clinical diagnosis during monitoring Respiratory support during monitoring Duration of monitoring (hours) Alarms observed Nurse in room (%) Nurse response < 90s (%) Alarms silenced (%) Contribution of random effects to nurse responsiveness (odds ratio)
BPD, AoP Whole period HFNC; room air 230 317 20 14 6 0.39
BPD, AoP Whole period nasal CPAP with O2 therapy > 21% 279 1573 30 12 9 0.08
AoP Whole period HFNC with O2 therapy > 21% 126 75 17 8 9 0.62
PDA treatment; AoP Nasal CPAP 9 days; HFNC 3 days; room air 263 305 35 24 12 1.99
Uneventful course until final 12 hours: NEC with perforation NCPAP 5 days and SIPPV 1 day with O2 therapy > 21% 135 172 56 18 15 2.8
Late-onset sepsis All period nasal CPAP with O2 therapy > 21% 327 517 58 20 17 3.25
RDS, AoP NCPAP 3 days; HFNC 8 days; Room air 239 186 33 23 9 1.75
IVH grade II, venous infarction; Late-onset sepsis SIPPV 7 days; NCPAP 5 days; all period O2 therapy > 21% 271 657 52 18 16 2.66
AoP Whole period HFNC with O2 therapy > 21% 260 365 19 10 7 0.40
AoP Whole period NCPAP with O2 therapy > 21% 239 1284 42 16 18 1.70
- - 250 [230–271] 341 [89–96] 34 [20–52] 17 [12–20] 11 [9–16] 1.7 [0.4–2.7]

Legend: BPD, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia; AoP, Apnea of prematurity; PDA, Patent ductus arteriosus; NEC, Necrotizing enterocolitis; RDS, Respiratory Distress Syndrome; IVH, Intraventricular hemorrhage; HFNC, High flow nasal cannula; NCPAP, Nasal continuous positive airway pressure; SIPPV, Synchronized Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation