(A) Parasitemia curve, (B) survival and (C) parasite load in the myocardium at day 14 pi of Il18r1−/−, Myd88−/− and WT B6 mice infected with 2 × 103 blood trypomastigotes of the Y strain. Survival curves are statistically different (p<0.05). (D–I) Mean frequencies and absolute numbers of (D, G) IFN-γ+CD4+(E, H) IFN-γ+CD8+ and (F, I) GzB+CD8+ cells, gated on CD4+ or CD8+ T splenocytes from 4 to 8 individually analyzed mice at day 14 pi. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments. Error bars = SEM; ns = non significant; *p≤0.05; **p≤0.01; ****p≤0.0001 (two-tailed Student t-test).