Figure 2. The Bag-1L:AR interaction is mediated by K231/232/279 in the BAG domain of Bag-1L.
(A, B) Mammalian one-hybrid assay in HeLa cells transfected with indicated AR domains linked to Gal4 DBD, subjected to increasing concentration of Bag-1L. The results are the mean of three independent experiments ± SEM, relative to the empty Bag-1L expression vector. Schematic representations of the AR domains are shown below. AF-1: Activation function-1; H: Hinge; DBD: DNA-binding domain; LBD: Ligand-binding domain. (C) GST pull-down with GST-Bag-1L fusion proteins harboring point mutations (as indicated) in their BAG domain and lysates from LNCaP cells. Shown below is a schematic structure of Bag-1L with the triple mutations in the BAG domain, which abolish the interaction with the AR (but have no effect on Hsp70 binding). NLS: Nuclear localization sequence; UBQ: Ubiquitin-like domain; BAG: BAG domain. (D) Co-immunoprecipitation of Bag-1L and AR in LNCaP cells stably overexpressing FLAG-, HA-tagged wild-type (WT) or BAG domain mutant Bag-1L (CMut). The IP was performed using an anti-HA-tag antibody against Bag-1L and an antibody against AR and Hsp70 to evaluate binding of these proteins to Bag-1L. Equal protein loading was confirmed by probing for expression of Bag-1L, AR, Hsp70 and β-actin.. (E) Mammalian one-hybrid assay in HeLa cells transfected with pG5ΔE4-38 luciferase, TK Renilla luciferase, pM-AR AF-1 and different Bag-1L constructs harboring a wild-type or mutant BAG domain (as indicated). The results are the mean of three independent experiments ± SEM, relative to the empty Bag-1L expression vector. (F) Mammalian two-hybrid assay in HeLa cells transfected with Gal4 DBD-AR LBD and VP16-AR-AF-1 and increasing amounts of wild-type (WT) or K231/232/279A mutant Bag-1L (CMut). The results are the mean of three independent experiments ± SEM, relative to the control Renilla luciferase. (G) Log-log plot of intensities for proteins detected in forward and reverse SILAC RIME analyses of Bag-1L WT and CMut cells, targeting BAG-1L (dark blue) or IgG (light blue). Black lines represent median IgG-RIME ratios ± 2 standard deviations. Bag-1L, Hsp70 (HSPA1) and AR are indicated in yellow and red, respectively.