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. 2017 Oct 5;7:12706. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10661-y

Figure 1.

Figure 1

(a) A schematic of solar cell configuration and TEM image of a-Si:H thin film solar cells with a p-a-SiC:H window layer (abbreviated p-a-SiC:H solar cell). (b) Tauc’s plots and (c) the depth profiles of atomic ratio between C and Si for p-a-SiC:H window layers with various CH4 flow rates. (d) I-V characteristics of p-a-Si:H and p-a-SiC:H solar cells under the AM1.5 G solar spectrum (e) EQE and (f) Normalized EQEloss (QE(−1 V)/QE(0 V)) of p-a-Si:H and p-a-SiC:H solar cells, respectively. (Inset shows the depth profile of bulk-defect densities in the i-a-Si:H layer retrieved from DLCP measurements for p-a-SiCCH4 = 10:H PV).