Detection of proximity between SOX2 and EP300 in primary human tracheobronchial basal cells. Second passage basal cells were transduced with Lenti-SOX2 and after 2 days, cytospun, fixed, and subjected to the proximity ligation assay (PLA). Cytospins were stained with either both α-SOX2 and α-EP300 primary antibodies, or single antibody controls. Nuclei were visualized with DAPI staining. Scale is 10 μm. Mean percentages of foci-positive nuclei ± S.E. are shown, and were calculated by scoring five fields and counting 50–100 nuclei per field. Significance was calculated using a 2-tailed t test. **p = 0.00003 and 0.0007 relative to α-SOX2 alone and α-EP300 alone, respectively (in Lenti-SOX2-transduced basal cells), and 0.0009 relative to the combination of α-SOX2 and α-EP300 in empty vector control-transduced cells.