UVC induces quiescence in an ALA-dependent manner. Animals on an NGM agar surface without bacteria were irradiated with 254-nm light at the specified dose (A–D) or at 1500 J/m2 (E and F). Except where noted in (E), animals used were wild type. (A) Fraction of animals quiescent for feeding in the presence of food as a function of time after UVC exposure. N = 10 for each UVC dose. (B) Activity in pixels of worms irradiated at 1500 J/m2 and of worms that were not irradiated. Irradiated group, N = 32; not irradiated group, N = 4. (C) Minutes of body-movement quiescence in each 30-min period after UVC exposure. Points denote mean and error bars denote SEM. N for each dose was as follows: 0 J/m2, N = 3; 500 J/m2, N = 24; 1500 J/m2, N = 24; 2500 J/m2, N = 5. (D) Minutes of movement quiescence during the first 6 hr after UVC irradiation. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, Student t-tests comparing minutes of quiescence for each irradiated group to nonirradiated group. N for each dose was as follows: 0 J/m2, N = 4; 500 J/m2, N = 24; 1500 J/m2, N = 24; 2500 J/m2, N = 11. (E) Response latency to octanol for wild-type and ceh-17(np1) mutant animals 2 hr after no treatment (untreated) [wild type (WT), N = 13; ceh-17, N = 14], irradiation with 1500 J/m2 UVC (treated) (WT, N = 12; ceh-17, N = 13), or after irradiation followed by harsh body touch immediately prior to octanol exposure (treated touched) (WT, N = 13). (F) Quiescence relative to wild-type animals of ceh-17(np1), egl-21(n576), egl-21(n476), and flp-13(tm2427) mutant animals or of wild-type animals in which ALA was laser ablated relative to unoperated controls. Each point represents total minutes of quiescence in the 6 hr after UVC irradiation of one animal normalized to the mean of wild-type animals imaged simultaneously. The mean for total quiescence in minutes and number of animals N for each group were as follows: ceh-17(np1) (WT, N = 4, mean = 111.6; mutant, N = 4, mean = 36.67], egl-21(n576) (WT, N = 21, mean = 251.47; mutant, N = 21, mean= 130.46), egl-21(n476) (WT, N = 4, mean = 111.6; mutant, N = 4, mean = 8.42), flp-13(tm2427) (WT, N = 12, mean = 147.6; mutant, N = 12, mean = 76.37), ALA ablation (unoperated control, N = 12, mean = 126.4; ablated, N = 9, mean = 59.0). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, Student’s t-test on total minutes of quiescence, comparing mutant or ablated animals to wild-type control animals. In (D–F), the wide and short horizontal bars denote means and SE, respectively.