Table 6.
List of model parameters and ranges of possible values
Parameter | Range of possible values |
Minimum number of ANP divisions, m i n ANP | 1,2,3 |
Maximum number of ANP divisions, m a x ANP | 2,...,8 |
Renewal probability of ANP, p ANP | {0,0.1,...,0.99,1} |
Distribution coefficients of ANP G 1-phase duration, | 6,...,20hr; {2,...,16}; {2,...,5}h r |
Distribution coefficients of ANP S-phase duration, T S−ANP | {5,...,12}h r; {5,...,40}; {1,...,4}h r |
Distribution coefficients of ANP G 2 M-phase duration, | {1,...,4}h r; {5,...,20}; {0,...,0.75}h r |
Distribution coefficients of ANP-NB stage duration1, T ANP−NB | {4,...,64}h r; {2,...,16}; {0,...,3}h r |
Distribution coefficients of ANP-Apop stage duration2, T ANP−Apop | {4,...,64}h r; {2,...,16}; {0,...,3}h r |
Distribution coefficients of NB duration, T NB | {120,...,430}h r; {2,...,16}; {10,...,80}h r |
Distribution coefficients of Apoptotic cell duration, T Apop | {0.4,...,3}h r; {2,...,16}; {0,...,0.3}h r |
Cell death rate of ANP G 1-phase, | {0,0.1,...,0.98,0.99} |
Cell death rate of ANP S-phase, d S | {0,0.1,...,0.98,0.99} |
Cell death rate of ANP G 2 M-phase, | {0,0.1,...,0.98,0.99} |
Cell death rate of non-proliferating ANP, d ANP | {0,0.1,...,0.98,0.99} |
Cell death rate of NB, d NB | {0,0.1,...,0.98,0.99} |
Minimum number of NSC divisions, m i n QNP | {1,2,3} |
Maximum number of NSC divisions, m a x QNP | {2,...,6} |
Renewal probability of NSC, p QNP | {0,0.1,...,0.99,1} |
Distribution coefficients of NSC G 1-phase duration, | {8,...,36}h r; {2,...,16}; {2,...,5}h r |
Distribution coefficients of NSC S-phase duration, T S−QNP | {5,...,12}h r; {5,...,40}; {1,...,4}h r |
Distribution coefficients of NSC G 2 M-phase duration, | {1,...,4}h r; {5,...,20}; {0,...,0.75}h r |
1If a non-proliferative ANP is determined to differentiate to a NB, it enters ANP-NB stage,
2otherwise it enters ANP-Apop stage before undergoing apoptosis. Since the cell duration (transit time) is modeled by a shifted gamma distribution the duration distribution parameter for any cell type i, T i, consists of 3 coefficients that are expected duration, shape parameter of the gamma distribution and the minimum duration (shift value). A range of values for each of these three coefficients has been provided