(A and B) Survival assays for either WT, ΔrnhC, or ΔrnhC cells with rnhC expressed at an ectopic locus (ΔrnhC rnhC+) carrying the reporter gene lacZ (A) or luxABCDE (B). Top: Representative plates; bottom: quantification. CD, co-directional (black bars); HO, head-on (gray bars). Values are the means and SD in colony forming units per mL (CFU/mL) of at least four independent experiments.
(C and D) Survival assays for either WT cells or ΔrnhC cells carrying the reporter gene lacZ (C) or luxABCDE (D). Top: Representative plates; bottom: quantification. CD, co-directional (black bars); HO, head-on (gray bars). Values are the means and SD in colony forming units per mL (CFU/mL) of at least four independent experiments.