Figure 6. The down-regulation of SOX7 expression in BCP-ALL cells delays leukemogenesis initiation and spreading.
A. Scheme of the pGIPz lentiviral vector used to transduce the leukemia cell lines. B. Representative FACS plots of SSC and GFP expression profiles of RS4;11 human leukemia cells transduced with SOX7 shRNAs (shSOX7-2, shSOX7-3, shSOX7-2+3) and control construct (Scramble). Percentages of cells and median fluorescent intensities are shown in the indicated quadrants. FACS plots are representative of two independent experiments. C. Mice were injected intra-peritoneally with Luciferin and anesthetized before to be imaged (IVIS Lumina, Caliper Life Sciences) for 30 seconds-1 minute per side (dorsal/ventral).