Figure 4.
Effect of inactivation by ClO2, FC, heat, UV254, and sunlight on viral functions. (A) Loss of PCR-replicable genome upon inactivation (log(G/G0); bars). Red circles indicate the corresponding loss in inactivation (log(N/N0)). Errors bars represent the standard deviations associated with G/G0 (Ku, 1966). (B) Loss of PCR-replicable genome, plotted against infectivity loss. The dashed line represents the 1:1 correlation between genome loss and infectivity loss. Errors bars represent the the MPN enumeration error (horizontal) or standard deviations associated with G/G0 (vertical). (C) Percentage of cells with bound viruses, determined by flow cytometry (bars, left y-axis, UT: untreated E11 sample). Red circles indicate the corresponding virus infectivity loss (right y-axis). (D) Residual fraction of bound viruses (log(N_b/N_b0)) measured by PCR and plotted against infectivity loss. The dashed line represents the 1:1 correlation between binding loss and infectivity loss. Error bars represent the MPN enumeration error (horizontal) or range of duplicate experiments (vertical).