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. 2017 Jun 9;8(sup2):1321357. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2017.1321357

Table 5.

Model fitting results for testing MI of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 across four linguistic groups.

  vs. χ2 df ∆χ2 ∆df χ2/df CFI ∆CFI TLI RMSEA
1. Configural MI: total sample 1672.508 1004 .945 .939 .059
1a. Configural MI: Indo-Iranian languages 495.364 251 .939 .933 .067
1b. Configural MI: Niger-Congo languages 345.402 251 .951 .946 .055
1c. Configural MI: Semitic languages 467.418 251 .939 .933 .058
1d. Configural MI: South Slavic languages 383.224 251 .952 .947 .058
2. Strong MI 1 2007.550 1208 415.521 204 2.037 .934 .011 .940 .059
3. Partial strong MI 1 1990.385 1199 395.194 195 2.027 .935 .010 .940 .059

Best fitting model is printed in bold; vs. = versus; χ2, df = chi-square test statistic and degrees of freedom for model; ∆χ2, ∆df = chi-square test statistic and degrees of freedom for chi-square difference test between two nested models; χ2/df = ratio between χ2 and degrees of freedom with regard to the chi-square difference test; ∆CFI = difference in CFI value between two nested models.

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