Postnatal deletion of C1galt1 leads to spontaneous glomerulosclerosis.
A, Tn expression in iC1galt1−/− mice and littermate controls was examined by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Scale bar = 50 μm. B, schematic of postnatal doxycycline (DOX)-inducible deletion of C1galt1. C, SDS-PAGE analysis of urine from iC1galt1−/− mice and WT littermate controls after induction by DOX for 4 months. D, macroscopic appearance of kidneys from wild-type control and iC1galt1−/− mice after induction by DOX for 4 months. Scale bar = 1 cm. E, PAS staining highlights glomerular changes in iC1galt1−/− mice. Scale bar = 50 μm. F, MTS shows the exposure of collagen within the glomerulus and increased interstitial volume of iC1galt1−/− kidneys, suggestive of severe renal injuries, including glomerulosclerosis. Scale bars = 50 μm.