rsPMCA modeling of region-specific targeting was observed in experimental scrapie.
A, E, and I, PrPSc accumulation was observed in different brain regions from terminally ill C57BL/6 mice inoculated with 139A (A), 22L (E), and ME7 (I) strains. B, F, and J, amplifications using 139A (B), 22L (F), and ME7 (J) seeds and brain substrates from C57BL/6 mice are shown on Western blot illustrations. C, G, and K, amplifications obtained with 139A (C), 22L (G), and ME7 (K) strains as seed and C57BL/6 brain regions as substrates are shown and in D, H, and L have been plotted as a function of the PrPSc accumulation measured in the corresponding regions of infected mice. M, amplifications were obtained with all the experimental seed/substrate couples plotted as a function of the PrPSc accumulation measured in the corresponding brain areas of infected mice. Fro, frontal isocortex; Str, striatum; Occ, occipital isocortex; Cer, cerebellar cortex. Error bars represent S.D.; *, p < 0.05. PMCA results are representative of three independent experiments performed in duplicates.