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. 2017 Sep 22;15:222–227. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.09.042
Subject area Immunology and Molecular Biology
More specific subject area Transcriptional elongation
Type of data Figures and Images
How data was acquired
  • quantitative PCR (qPCR) (Bio-Rad CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System and CFX96 Software)

  • Reanalyzed publically available RNA-Seq experiment GSE70294

  • Time lapse imaging (Evos Auto FL Cell Imaging System and Image Studio Software)

  • Western blot (SDS-Page gel electrophoresis and wet transfer; Bio-Rad equipment and Bio-Rad clarity chemiluminescent detection)

Data format Analyzed
Experimental factors
  • RNA was extracted from untransduced cell line model cells and expression assessed

  • RNA-Seq experiment was done on LPS treated primary murine B cells that were cell sorted by divisions and CD138 levels.

  • Namalwa BL cell line transduced with control and two independent mCherry-tagged ELL3 specific shRNA's for five consecutive days

  • Protein and mRNA was extracted from Namalwa BL cell line transduced with control and two independent mCherry-tagged ELL3 specific shRNA's for five consecutive days and expression assessed.

Experimental features
  • Quantitative mRNA detection of ELL, ELL2 and ELL3 in B cell compartment cell line models

  • Expression levels of ELL, ELL2 and ELL3 were extracted from the data set GSE70294 of RNA-Seq performed on each Cell Titer Violet and CD138-positive, populations following LPS stimulus of murine primary B cells.

  • shRNA transduced Namalwa cells were imaged at day 6 post transduction every 5 min for 24 h.

  • Western blot analysis of PRDM1 levels and detection of PRDM1, EBV lytic replication genes (BZLF1, BMRF and BLLF1), B cell factors (BCL6, PAX5, MYC) and plasma cell factor (membrane bound and secreted IgM) mRNA levels

Data source location H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, USA
Data accessibility Data is within this article