Subject area |
Immunology and Molecular Biology |
More specific subject area |
Transcriptional elongation |
Type of data |
Figures and Images |
How data was acquired |
quantitative PCR (qPCR) (Bio-Rad CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System and CFX96 Software)
Reanalyzed publically available RNA-Seq experiment GSE70294
Time lapse imaging (Evos Auto FL Cell Imaging System and Image Studio Software)
Western blot (SDS-Page gel electrophoresis and wet transfer; Bio-Rad equipment and Bio-Rad clarity chemiluminescent detection)
Data format |
Analyzed |
Experimental factors |
RNA was extracted from untransduced cell line model cells and expression assessed
RNA-Seq experiment was done on LPS treated primary murine B cells that were cell sorted by divisions and CD138 levels.
Namalwa BL cell line transduced with control and two independent mCherry-tagged ELL3 specific shRNA's for five consecutive days
Protein and mRNA was extracted from Namalwa BL cell line transduced with control and two independent mCherry-tagged ELL3 specific shRNA's for five consecutive days and expression assessed.
Experimental features |
Quantitative mRNA detection of ELL, ELL2 and ELL3 in B cell compartment cell line models
Expression levels of ELL, ELL2 and ELL3 were extracted from the data set GSE70294 of RNA-Seq performed on each Cell Titer Violet and CD138-positive, populations following LPS stimulus of murine primary B cells.
shRNA transduced Namalwa cells were imaged at day 6 post transduction every 5 min for 24 h.
Western blot analysis of PRDM1 levels and detection of PRDM1, EBV lytic replication genes (BZLF1, BMRF and BLLF1), B cell factors (BCL6, PAX5, MYC) and plasma cell factor (membrane bound and secreted IgM) mRNA levels
Data source location |
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, USA |
Data accessibility |
Data is within this article |