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. 2017 Aug;13(3):168–182. doi: 10.2174/1573403X13666170209145622

Table 1.

Novel therapeutic approaches targeting HDL: evidence from randomized controlled studies.

Study Drug Population No (Intervention/ Control) Intervention Group Control Group Follow/Up Impact on Lipid Parameters Impact on CV Outcomes
Nissen et al.
Muraglitazar Patients with type 2 diabetes 3,725
+/- metformin or glyburide
Pioglitazone or placebo +/- metformin or glyburide 24-104 weeks N/A ↑ death, MI or nonfatal stroke (RR=2.23, P=0.03) and
↑composite risk of death, MI, nonfatal stroke, CHF or TIA
(RR= 2.62, P=0.004)
Rubin et al. [125] Muraglitazar Patients with type 2 diabetes 1,805 Muraglitazar 2.5 mg or 5 mg Glimepiride 1 mg 52 weeks ↑HDL
↓HbA1c with both doses (P<0.0001) ;
CV events were similar among the groups (2%);
there was a trend towards ↑total mortality
Lincoff et al. [70] Aleglitazar Patients with ACS and type 2 diabetes 7,226
Aleglitazar 150 μg Placebo 104 weeks N/A no effect on CV death, nonfatal MI or nonfatal stroke
Barter et al. [72] Torcetrapib Patients at high CV risk 15,067
Atorvastatin monotherapy 12 months ↑HDL by 72.1% ↓LDL by 24.9% (p<0.001) ↑risk of MACE (HR=1.25, P=0.001), ↑ death from any cause (HR=1.58, P=0.006)
Schwartz et al. [73] Dalcetrapib Patients with recent ACS 15,871 600 mg dalcetrapib + best available evidence-based care Placebo + best available evidence-based care 31 months ↑HDL by 31-40% compared to 4-11% in the placebo group No effect on the risk of the primary end point;
no significant effect on any component of the primary end point or total mortality
Cannon et al.
Anacetrapib Patients on statin that had reached LDL goal levels 1,623
100 mg anacetrapib Placebo 18 months Intervention group:
↓LDL (from 81 mg/dl to 45 mg/dl);
↑HDL (from 41 mg/dl to 101 mg/dl);
placebo group: ↓LDL (from 82 mg/dl to 77 mg/dl); ↑HDL (from 40 mg/dl to 46 mg/dl) (P<0.001)
CV events occurred in 2% of patients on anacetrapib and 2.6% of patients on placebo (P=0.40)
Nissen et al. [80] ETC-216 Patients with ACS 57 ETC-216
(5 weekly infusions at 15 mg/kg or 45 mg/kg)
Placebo 5 weeks N/A ↓atheroma volume in the combined treatment groups by 4.2% (P<0.001)
Tardif et al. [81] CSL-111 (reconstituted HDL) Patients with CAD 138
CSL-111 (4 weekly infusions of 40 mg/kg or 80 mg/kg) Placebo 6 weeks N/A no significant effect on the atheroma volume; significant improvement in the plaque characterization index and coronary score on QCA
Study Drug Population No (Intervention/ Control) Intervention Group Control Group Follow/Up Impact on Lipid Parameters Impact on CV Outcomes
Tardif et al. [82] CER-001 (reconstituted HDL) Patients with ACS 507
(6 weekly infusions of 3mg/kg, 6 mg/kg or 12 mg/kg)
Placebo 6 months N/A CER-001 infusions did not reduce coronary atherosclerosis on IVUS and QCA;
any MACE occurred in 8,3%, 13,3%, 13,7% and 9,8% of the patients in the placebo, 3mg/kg, 6mg/kg and 12mg/kg group respectively
Chenevard et al. [83] Reconstituted HDL Patients with ACS 29
Reconstituted HDL Albumin 4 hours ↑plasma HDL (P<0.0001) and ↓plasma LDL (P<0.0001); no effect on the response to endothelium dependent and in dependent vasodilators;
no effect on oxidized LDL and hs CRP
Waksman et al. [85] Delipidated HDL Patients with ACS 28
7 weekly delipidated HDL infusions Control plasma apheresis/ reinfusions 14 days ↑prebeta-like HDL from 5.6% to 79.1%;
↓ alpha-HDL from 92.8% to 20.9%
There was a trend towards regression in the total atheroma volume assessed by IVUS
Bloedon et al. [87] Unformulated D-4F (HDL mimetic) Patients with CHD 40
A single dose of 30, 100, 300 or 500 mg of unformulated
Placebo 4 hours no effect The HDL anti-inflammatory index significantly improved (P<0.05)
Nicholls et al. [92] RVX-208 Statin treated patients with CAD 299 RVX-208 at 50, 100 or 150 mg twice daily Placebo 12 weeks ↑apoA-I levels dose-dependently up to 5.6% (P=0.035);
↑ HDL from 3.2% to 8.3% (P=0.02);
↑ large HDL from 11.1% to 21.1% (P=0.003)

Abbreviations: HDL: high-density lipoprotein, MI: myocardial infarction, RR: relative ratio, CHF: congestive heart failure, TIA: transient ischemic attack, N/A: not available, Hb1Ac: glycated hemoglobin; TG: triglycerides; ACS: acute coronary syndromes; CV: cardiovascular, MACE: major adverse cardiovascular events; CHD: coronary heart disease; SBP: systolic blood pressure; CRP: C-reactive protein; LDL; low-density lipoprotein; UA: unstable angina; IVUS: intravascular ultrasound; QCA: quantitative coronary angiography; CAD: coronary artery disease; +/-: plus/minus; ↑: increased; ↓:decreased; No: number.