Forefoot and Midfoot
Metatarsalgia |
Callus under 1st, 5th metatarsal heads |
Morton’s neuroma |
Sesamoid problems (sesamoiditis, chondromalacia, avascular necrosis) |
Stress fracture of metatarsal bones |
Metatarsus adductus |
Midfoot arthritis |
Ankle and hindfoot |
Plantar fasciitis |
Achilles tendinitis |
Chronic lateral ankle instability |
Subtalar instability |
Peroneal tendon problems (tear or split, rupture, tendinopathy) |
Enlarged or posteriorly placed distal fibular |
Recurrent dislocation of the peroneal tendons |
Painful os peroneum syndrome |
Painful Haglund deformity |
Varus ankle arthritis |