Figure 5.
PEA‐15 (phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15) expression is dynamically regulated in mouse arteries during the development of neointimal hyperplasia. A, PEA‐15 expression in injured arteries from wild‐type (WT) mice at 3, 7, and 14 days after injury was compared with expression in arteries from sham‐operated mice and uninjured arteries. Representative immunoblots are shown, and mean data are expressed as a ratio of GAPDH expression (n=6). **P<0.01using 1‐way ANOVA and Newman–Keuls post hoc test. B, PEA‐15 localization and expression was examined in sections from carotid arteries at 3 days following vascular injury in WT mice and compared with arteries from sham‐operated WT mice. Representative confocal images are shown, scale bar=100 mm. Mean data for PEA‐15 expression from confocal images are expressed as fold change in relative fluorescence, n=5. *P<0.05 using Student t test. C, ERK1/2 (extracellular signal–regulated kinases 1 and 2) localization in sections of injured arteries from WT mice was compared with sections of arteries from sham animals using confocal immunofluorescence. Representative parallel confocal images are shown for ERK1/2 and DAPI (4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole; nuclei), scale bar=25 μm. Mean ERK1/2 localization is presented as the intensity ratio of nuclear/cytoplasmic localization, n=6. *P<0.05 using Student t test.