(A) AR fold-upregulation after T-REX-mediated Keap1-specific HNEylation in monoclonal HEK293T lines stably expressing a single copy of ARE::GFP that have been transfected with either Nrf2-wt or the three Nrf2–β-TrCP1-binding-defective mutants (Figure S3H), separately. See Figure S3J. (B) Nrf2-AR axis with a postulated novel modulator of Nrf2 that is regulated by β-TrCP1. (C) β-catenin stimulates AR regardless of its N-terminus. Post transfection with ARE::firefly luciferase, CMV::renilla, CMV::Nrf2 and the indicated plasmid in HEK293T, and AR was measured after 2 days. See also Figure S4B. (D) As in (C) except either wt or Δ89-β-catenin (balanced against an empty vector) was varied. (E) AR in HEK293T transfected with ARE::firefly luciferase, CMV::renilla, either empty plasmid or plasmid encoding ΔN89β-catenin, and varying amounts of CMV::Nrf2, measured after 2 days post transfection.