Fig. 3.
These bifurcation diagrams show a concentration-response curve of E-cadherin (Fig. 3 a), β-catenin (Fig. 3 b), and Slug (Fig. 3 c) with respect to membrane Dvl (d). If the cell starts in the epithelial steady state (d = 0), and the level of Dvl is steadily increased, the cell remains in the epithelial steady state until d = 1.33 (vertical blue dashed line). At this point, the cell undergoes EMT and transitions abruptly into a mesenchymal-like state. Once in the mesenchymal-like state, the cell (and its protein levels) will stay there, even after the level of membrane Dvl is decreased back to its initial value (d = 0). The bifurcation diagrams illustrate the bistable switch underlying the transition