Fig. 2.
Generating coupling between two resonators with two laser drives. a A single laser drive (red arrow) sent into the cavity produces four sidebands, two for each resonator. The laser is detuned from a cavity resonance on the right. b A second laser can be added to generate optical swapping. (ii) and (v) are overlapping sidebands of the two resonators. The insets indicate the analogy to state transfer in an atomic Λ-type system. The quantum number states are the photon occupation of the cavity, phonon occupation of resonator 1 and phonon occupation of resonator 2. Detuning from the intermediary state avoids losses due to light leaking out of the cavity. (iii) and (iv) are the unmatched sidebands of resonator 1 and (i) and (vi) are the unmatched sidebands of resonator 2. By adjusting the laser detuning, the sidebands (i−vi) can be separately aligned with the cavity resonance to interact with one resonator at a time or both at once. In the case shown here, the state of resonator 2 is swapped with the cavity, because sideband (vi) is aligned to the cavity. This figure is not to scale