Spectroscopy of distant, weakly coupled 13C spins limited by sensor dissipation. a Spectra of the 13C target spins surrounding the NV center. For the upper (lower) 13C spectrum, the sensor spin is in its non-magnetic (magnetic ) state during the storage interval. Hence, the upper curve shows the bare Larmor frequency common to all 13C nuclear spins in the interaction range, whereas the lower curve shows additional hyperfine coupling offsets A
zz for the two distinct nuclei A
1 and A
2. The total phase-accumulation time is set to τ = 100 μs (orange parts of insets) and the RF π-pulse (dark green part of insets), which flips the 13C spins during the storage interval, is set to T
c = 430 μs (light green part of insets). b Increased sensing and storage time (τ = 200 μs and T
c = 860 μs, respectively) generate a close-up spectrum of target spins A
1 and A
2. Resonance frequencies are marked with vertical lines. c Possible angles θ and distances d of the two 13C spins relative to the NV center. The functions are . For the identified hyperfine interactions A
zz, 3 cos2
θ − 1 is positive (dark line parts for θ = −54.7°…54.7°). d Variation of the overall phase-accumulation time τ for an RF π-pulse selective on the strongest coupled 13C spin (i.e., A
1, ν
RF ≈ 16.373 MHz, T
c = 860 μs) reveals an oscillation, which confirms the coupling strength of 2.8 kHz. e For a phase-accumulation time of τ = 300 μs the memory state is almost maximally correlated with the flip of target A
1. During storage, we perform a Ramsey oscillation on the 13C spin (inset shows two dark green π/2 pulses), which is converted into a memory signal and decays with the memory lifetime, limited by dissipation due to the sensor