Table 1.
Animal | Binomial nomenclature | Abbrev. | n | Digestion type | Feed supplied | Sequence reads |
Chinchilla | Chinchilla lanigera | Ch | 3 | Hindgut fermenter | Commercial feeda | 37,013 |
Rabbit | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Ra | 8 | Hindgut fermenter | Commercial feedb | 74,963 |
Donkey | Equus africanus asinus | Do | 7 | Hindgut fermenter | Grass | 220,774 |
Miniature pony | Equus ferus caballus | MP | 7 | Hindgut fermenter | Grass | 46,884 |
Deer | Cervus nippon | De | 4 | Ruminant | Grass | 32,635 |
Goat | Capra aegagrus hircus | Go | 5 | Ruminant | Grass | 27,791 |
Sheep | Ovis aries | Sh | 4 | Ruminant | Grass | 43,559 |
Llama | Lama glama | Ll | 2 | Ruminant | Grass | 52,461 |
Alpaca | Vicugna pacos | Al | 1 | Ruminant | Grass | 10,837 |
Pig | Sus scrofa scrofa kunekune | Pi | 2 | Monogastric | Sow pellets and bread | 14,040 |
Dehydrated grass pellets, alfalfa pellets, chopped alfalfa hay, flaked field peas, flaked corn, vitamins, and minerals.
Dry grass flaked maize, carrots, corn, and oat grains supplemented with additional carrots.