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. 2017 Aug 22;6(5):e00509. doi: 10.1002/mbo3.509

Table 1.

Animals, diets, and 16S gene amplicon sequence reads generated to study their gut microbiota

Animal Binomial nomenclature Abbrev. n Digestion type Feed supplied Sequence reads
Chinchilla Chinchilla lanigera Ch 3 Hindgut fermenter Commercial feeda 37,013
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus Ra 8 Hindgut fermenter Commercial feedb 74,963
Donkey Equus africanus asinus Do 7 Hindgut fermenter Grass 220,774
Miniature pony Equus ferus caballus MP 7 Hindgut fermenter Grass 46,884
Deer Cervus nippon De 4 Ruminant Grass 32,635
Goat Capra aegagrus hircus Go 5 Ruminant Grass 27,791
Sheep Ovis aries Sh 4 Ruminant Grass 43,559
Llama Lama glama Ll 2 Ruminant Grass 52,461
Alpaca Vicugna pacos Al 1 Ruminant Grass 10,837
Pig Sus scrofa scrofa kunekune Pi 2 Monogastric Sow pellets and bread 14,040

Dehydrated grass pellets, alfalfa pellets, chopped alfalfa hay, flaked field peas, flaked corn, vitamins, and minerals.


Dry grass flaked maize, carrots, corn, and oat grains supplemented with additional carrots.