Efficient, economic small world architecture preserved in neonates with CHD. (A) Bar plot of average clustering coefficient (Cl) and characteristic path length (L) of control and CHD resting state networks (black bars) relative to random networks (gray). In both groups, Clneonate ≫ Clrandom and Lneo > Lrandom. (B) Normalized clustering coefficient (γ), characteristic path length (λ) and small world indices (σ) are comparable between groups. Gray, dashed line marks the threshold for small world. (C) Efficiency of global and local networks fall between random and regular graphs, typical of small word networks in both CHD (gray) and controls (black). Global (Eglobal) and local (Elocal) efficiency in CHD are comparable to controls. All metrics are averaged across Pearson r correlation thresholds 0.19–0.49.