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. 2017 Sep;5(18):372. doi: 10.21037/atm.2017.08.42

Table 3. Selected key studies or trials targeting RET alterations.

Trial Trial type Drug Target Molecular selection Patient population N= respective RET fusion partner RR PFS Common adverse events
Yoh et al., 2017 (57) (UMIN000010095) Phase II Vandetanib RET inhibitor RET rearrangements detected by RT-PCR then confirmed using FISH Advanced NSCLC without EGFR mutation who have failed at least one line of chemotherapy 19 pt (17 analyzed); 6 pts with CCDC6-RET, 10 with KIFB-RET, 3 pts with unknown RET type 49% (9 out of the 17 pts); In CCDC6-RET cohort, five (83%) of 6 responded; KIFB-RET cohort, two (20%) of 10 responded 4.7 months Most frequently observed AE: hypertension (16, 84%), diarrhea (15, 79%), rash acneiform (12, 63%), dry skin (8, 42%), prolonged QT corrected interval (8, 42%), anorexia (6, 2%), and increased creatinine (6,32%);
grade 3–4 TRAE included hypertension (58%), rash (16%), diarrhea (11%), and QTc prolongation (11%)
Lee et al., 2017 (58) NCT01823068 Phase II Vandetanib RET inhibitor RET rearrangements detected by FISH then confirmed with IHC or targeted deep sequencing or RT-PCR Advanced NSCLC patients that have failed platinum-based chemotherapy with no other oncogenic drivers 18; only 10 screened 5 pts had KIF5B-RET, 2 pts with CCDC6-RET, 1 pt with MYO5C-RET 18% (3 out of 17 pts) 4.5 months More than 70% of patients reported to have hypertension and skin rash of grade 1–2;
Two grade 3 hypertension, two QT prolongation AEs, one AST/ALT elevation were reported
Drilon et al., 2016 (59) NCT01639508 Prospective Phase II Cabozantinib RET multikinase inhibitor RET rearrangements detected by FISH and or NGS Metastatic or unresectable lung cancer 26; 16 pts with KIF5B-RET, 1 pt with CCDC6-RET, 1 pt with MYO5C, 1 pt with TRIM33-RET, 1 pt with CLIP1-RET, 1 pt with ERC1-RET, 6 pt with unknown fusion type 28% (95, 12–49); Response only found in pts with KIF5B-RET fusion 5.5 months Grade 3 treatment-related AE: lipase elevation (15%),
increased alanine aminotransferase (8%),
increased aspartate aminotransferase (8%),
thrombocytopenia (8%), and
hypophosphatemia (8%)
Gautschi et al., 2017 (60) Retrospective study Cabozantinib, vandetanib, sunitinib, sorafenib, alectinib, lenvatinib, nintedanib, ponatinib and regorafenib RET multi-kinase inhibitor RET rearrangement detected by molecular profiling (RT- PCR/FISH/NGS) Any staged NSCLC 53 cabozantinib [21], vandetanib [11], sunitinib [10], sorafenib [2], alectinib [2], lenvatinib [2], nintedanib [2], ponatinib [2], and regorafenib [1] 37%, 18%, 22% (cabozantinib, vandetanib, sunitinib) 2.3 months (95, 1.6 to 5.0 months) TRAE not reported

NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; ORR, objective response rate; PFS, progression-free survival; pt, patient; TRAE, treatment-related adverse event; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; NGS, next-generation sequencing IHC, immunohistochemistry.