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. 2017 Oct 6;11:555. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00555

Table 3.

Papers about gait and TUG analysis.

References Tech. Sensors place Rec. freq Experimental design Subjects Feature extracted Analysis/classifiers Classifier performance or findings
Del Din et al., 2016 ACC Lower back (L5) 50 Hz 10-m walkway 30 PwPD, 30 HC Mean, SD, variability and asymmetry of stride, stance and swing time, step length, step velocity ICC; Pearson correlation; t-Test ICC > 0.9 for mean step time, stance time, step length both for HC and PwPD. ICC > 0.9 for step velocity for HC. Significant difference in step variability between PwPD/HC
Ferrari et al., 2016 ACC, GYRO Feet 100 Hz 1st study: walking over a treadmill 1.8, 2.7, 3.5 km/h (1 min). 2nd study: walking in a straight line 1st: 11 HC. 2nd: 16 PwPD Strides number (#), stride length, stride time, stride velocity ICC; Zero velocity update algorithm, RMS Study 1: 4.0% RMS of the differences normalized to the mean stride length. Study 2: 2.9% RMS of the differences in % of the mean stride length. ICC > 0.9
Sejdić et al., 2016 ACC Lower back (L3) 100 Hz Gait on treadmill: 3 min walking at preferred pace, rested, 3 min walking at a slower speed (−10% from preferred speed) 10 PwPD, 14 HC, 11 patients with neuropathy Swing and stance time, single and double support (DS) time, HRs of the trunk ACC t-Test; ANOVA; Mixed models Differences in: group (p = 0.04) and speed (p = 0.02) for HRs for ACC/motion capture comparison. Magnitudes of HRs 5–10% lower in ACC than motion capture system.
Palmerini et al., 2013 ACC Lower back 100 Hz iTUG test 7 m 20 PwPD, 20 HC Time of: TUG, sit-to-walk, gait, turning, walk-to-sit. RMS of: sit-to-walk, gait, turning, walk-to-sit. Normalized jerk score of the ACC of: sit-to-walk, gait, turning, walk-to-sit. Step time, SD of step time, CV of step time. Phase of step, SD of phase, CV of phase. Phase coordination index (PCI) during gait. HRs of the trunk ACC ANOVA; ICC; Pearson correlation; LDA, Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), Mahalanobis (MC) classifiers Misclassification rate: 22.5% for LDA, 27.5% for QDA, 37.5% for MC. Correlation of: (i) time TUG with gait and posture subscore (r = 0.6, p = 0.005), rigidity subscore (r = 0.46, p = 0.04) and PIGD subscore (r = 0.51, p = 0.02); (ii) HRs with gait and posture subscore (r = −0.47, p = 0.037); (iii) turning RMS in the VT direction with gait and posture subscore (r = −0.58, p = 0.007) and rigidity subscore (r = −0.47, p = 0.038). ICC > 0.8 for time TUG but no group differences.
Grimpampi et al., 2013 ACC, GYRO Waist 100 Hz Walking at a self-selected speed along a 12 m rectilinear pathway 11 PwPD, 13 after stroke Pitch, roll and yaw angles, walking speed RMS and correlation coefficient RMS < 1° for pitch and roll; RMS = 1.3° for yaw for IMU/optoelectronic system comparison. Coeff = 0.8 for correlation
Trojaniello et al., 2015 ACC, GYRO Lower back (L4/S2) 128 Hz Walking back / forth for 1 min along a 12 m walkway with the instrumented mat placed 2 m from the starting line (self-selected, comfortable speed) 10 PwPD, 10 HC, 10 hemiparetics, 10 Huntington disease Gait cycles, mean and SD of stride time, stance time, swing time, step time, gait velocity Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Friedman test Stride time, step time, stance and swing duration errors for PwPD were significantly larger than HC
Mariani et al., 2013 ACC, GYRO Feet 200 Hz TUG (3 m) and gait at self-selected speed on moderate (2 × 20 m) and long (4 × 50 m) distance, including straight walking and 180° turns 10 PwPD, 10 HC Stride velocity, stride length, turning angle, path length, swing width, inter-cycle variability ICC; mean ± SD acc. ± prec. of 2.8 ± 2.4 cm/s and 1.3 ± 3.0 cm for stride velocity and stride length estimation compared to optical system
Esser et al., 2013 ACC, GYRO L4 100 Hz 10-m walkway free of obstacles, self-selected walking pace 14 PwPD, 10HC Cadence, stride length, walking speed, parameters extracted by phase plot analysis (i.e., spread and width of the cloud data points) ICC; t-Test; Phase plot variability analysis ICC > 0.9; Difference (p = 0.041) for walking speed between PD/HC. The width of data point is affected by a change in step length, the spread in data point is affected by a change in cadence and step length
Schmidt et al., 2011 StepWatch Activity Monitor Wrist Not reported 15 m walking 20 PwPD and multiple sclerosis (MS) Stride count Pearson coefficient r = 1.0 for PwPD correlation between SAM/GaitMat II. r = 0.99 for MS correlation between SAM/GaitMat II
Parisi et al., 2016 ACC, GYRO Chest, thighs 102.4 Hz Gait 34 PwPD Stride time, stance time, DS time, step and stride length, limp, step velocity, thigh rom, cadence, step regularity, symmetry, spectrum power PCA; NCC, kNN, SVM Prec., sens. and spec.: 66.48, 31.83, and 88.03%
Salarian et al., 2010 ACC, GYRO Sternum, forearms, thighs, shanks 200 Hz TUG (3 m) and iTUG (7 m) including: gait, turning, Sit to Stand (Si2St), Turn-to-sit 12 PwPD (early), 12 HC Gait: cadence, stance, DS, limp, ROM of shank, thigh and knee, stride length and velocity, peak swing velocity, arm swing pitch and yaw, peak arm swing velocity, arm swing speed asymmetry, peak trunk horizontal and sagittal velocity, ROM of trunk. Turning: peak angular velocity, duration, steps, average and max step time, # double steps. Si2St: peak and average angular velocity, duration, ROM of trunk. Turn-to-sit: duration, ROM of trunk, steps, average and max step time, # double steps ICC; Wilcoxon rank-sum test ICC > 0.9 for temporal measures except for limps; ICC = 0.75 for gait measures; ICC = 0.23 for Si2St measures; ICC = 0.67 for turning measures; ICC = 0.50 for turn-to-sit measures. Differences in cadence (p < 0.006), angular velocity of arm-swing (p < 0.005), turning duration (p < 0.023), and time to perform turn-to-sits (p < 0.023) between early PwPD/HC
Weiss et al., 2010 ACC, ECG, GSR, force sensors Lower back (L3/L5) 256 Hz TUG 17 PwPD, 15 HC Mean and SD of: time of TUG, time of Si2St, time of stand-to-sit (St2Si), Range Si2St, Range St2Si, Jerk Si2St, Jerk St2Si. Median and SD of ACC t-Test; Pearson correlation TUG duration (p < 0.02), median ACC (p = 0.02), SD ACC (p < 0.004) higher in PwPD than HC. Range and jerk of ACC lower in PwPD than HC (p < 0.006). Jerk Si2St correlated with UPDRS (r = 0.56; p = 0.02) and HY scores (r = 0.49, p = 0.04)
Giuberti et al., 2015 ACC, GYRO Chest 102.4 Hz Si2St 24 PwPD Forwards/backwards/total duration, forwards/backwards/average bending amplitude and bending speed PCA; NCC, kNN, SVM Miscalssification rates: 3.7% for UPDRS = 0; 100% for UPDRS = 0.5; 50% for UPDRS = 1; 71.4% for UPDRS = 2; 100% for UPDRS = 2.5; 100% for UPDRS = 3. No data for UPDRS = 2, 3.5, 4
Curtze et al., 2016 ACC, GYRO Wrists, ankles, lumbar segment, sternum Not reported ISAW: to stand still for 30 s, initiate gait with the most affected leg, walk 7 m at comfortable pace, turn 180°, and walk back to the starting location (3 times) 104 PwPD 34 measures of gait and balance into 6 domains: postural sway, initiation of gait, gait arm and trunk movement, gait dynamic stability, turning Spearman correlation; false discovery rate correction 30 significant associations between gait and balance measures and clinical scales. Turning and gait–pace are most indicative of patient status
Horak et al., 2016 100 PwPD, 21 HC 90 measures of gait and balance into 6 domains: sway area, sway freq, gait speed, gait trunk, gait timing, arm asymmetry ICC; Pearson correlation; t-test ICC > 0.75 for 30 features. Gait and postural sway measures not highly correlated. r = −0.62 between gait trunk domain and PIGD subscale. Largest differences PD-ON/HC in gait speed and gait trunk
Weiss et al., 2011 ACC (Mobi8, TMSI) Lower back 256 Hz Validation study: 1 min, straight-line walk at a self-selected, comfortable pace inside a long hallway. Gait test: straight-line walk (~25 m × 2). ADL simulation: 500 m walk at comfortable, self-selected speed 22 PwPD, 17 HC Stride time, stride time variability (validation study only). Dominant freq, amplitude, width (FD), and slope of the main freq of the PSD in the 0.5–to 3.0-Hz band t-tests 2-tailed; paired t-tests; Pearson coefficients Width larger, and amplitude and slope smaller in PwPD compared to HC [validation study and ADL simulation (p < 0.02)]. Width decreased, and amplitude and slope increased with anti-Parkinsonian medications (p < 0.007). Significant correlations ACC-derived measures/UPDRS-Gait5
Rahimi et al., 2014 FAB system BioSyn® (ACC, GYRO) Head, arm, forearm, trunk, pelvis, thigh, shank 100 Hz Walking, walking turns of 180° and fast walking (3 trials) 11 PwPD Mean and peak amplitude values of each of 59 joint variable Change space; Least Absolute Shrinkage Selection Operator (LASSO) Correctly predicted 5 cases of improvement and 2 cases of worsening after medication
Salarian et al., 2013 GYRO Shanks 200 Hz Walking down a 20 m straight hallway both with comfortable speed and fast speed 10 PwPD, 10 HC Joint angle kinematics including flexion/extension angles at the hip, knee, ankle joints, cadence, % of swing, stance, DS phases Linear mixed model Double pendulum model with 2 GYRO on shanks reduces the number of sensing units compared to more complex methods, with relatively small impact on accuracy
Yoneyama et al., 2016 Portable rhythmo-gram (ACC) Waist 100 Hz ADL in the community for 24 h with the device attached at all times (including sleeping hours) except when changing clothes or taking a bath 13 mild and 13 severe PwPD, 13 HC, 13 mild and 13 severe MCI/dementia Features based on: gait ACC, gait variability, gait cycle, number of gait data Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test with post hoc Steel-Dwass test The proposed gait measures may deserve to be used for the quantification of disease-specific context-dependent aspects. Gait variability is the lowest in mild PwPD
Parisi et al., 2015 ACC, GYRO Chest, thighs 102.4 Hz Comparative investigation of: Leg agility (LA), Si2St, Gait 34 PwPD LA: angular amplitude and speed, pause, regularity, repetition freq, thigh inclination, angular velocity power spectrum. Si2St: forwards/backwards/total duration, forwards/backwards/average bending amplitude and bending speed. Gait: stride, stance time and DS time, step and stride length, limp, step velocity, thigh ROM, cadence, step regularity, symmetry, spectrum power PCA; NCC, kNN and SVM Prec., sens. and spec.: 34.55, 25.17, 84.52% in LA task; 28.00, 25.63, and 77.51 in Si2St task; 66.48, 31.83, and 88.03% in Gait task
Rochester et al., 2010 ACC, biofeedback Legs, sternum 25 Hz Single task, dual task, retention of single and dual task over 3 weeks 76 early and 77 late PwPD Walking speed, step length, step freq Multiple linear regression models; 2-tailed analysis Significant training effect for: Single task in speed with cues, step length with/without cues, cadence without cue; Dual task in speed and step length with/without cues. No significant retention effect
Lord et al., 2010 ACC (Vitaport Activity Monitor) Not specified Not reported (i) Single task: standing up from a chair and walking to the kitchen; (ii) dual motor task: specific ADL; (iii) cognitive task; (iv) multi-task. 29 PwPD Gait speed, interference effect Moment correlation coefficients, linear regression For gait speed: within-subject effect during the functional walk (p < 0.001), with gait speed slower during dual and multi-task performance. Higher UPDRS-III scores resulted in a significantly slower walking speed for all conditions. Participants with impaired sustained attention walked more slowly in single and dual motor conditions.
Demonceau et al., 2015 ACC Lower back (L3/L4) 100 Hz Walking at the self-selected pace along a 36-m-long track in a wide, clear, and straight hallway 32 PwPD (HY < 2), 32 PwPD (HY = 2/3), 32 HC Stride length, cadence, regularity index, symmetry index, walking speed and mechanical powers yielded in the cranial-caudal, AP and ML directions ANOVA, KW, Tukey, Mann- Witney, Wilcoxon, Correlation coefficients; Multivariate regression, ORs Difference between PwPD groups in regularity index (p = 0.009, OR = 0.98). Significant difference between PwPD groups and HC in symmetry index, speed, stride length, mechanical powers in ML and AP directions. Significant (p < 0.05) but low (r < 0.5) correlation with clinical data. Regularity index and power in ML direction discriminated the 3 groups.
Yoneyama et al., 2013 ACC Waist 100 Hz Test 1: walking 200 steps (9 dictated paces). Test 2: stepping on the same spot and intentional side-to-side body sway; normal walking with the device to the left side of the body; walking asymmetrically; jumping forward with both legs (each 10 s). Test 3: collecting ACC data in hospital (10 min) and outside (24 h) Test 1: 11 HC; Test 2: 1 HC; Test 3: 12 PwPD Gait cycle, average VT ACC per cycle Threshold levels criterion Test 1: 97.2% sens., 97.4% spec., 97.3% acc. Test 2: 100% sens., 100% spec., 100% acc. Test 3: 94.0% sens., 95.7% spec., 95.4% acc.