Fig. 3.
(A) The normalized fluorescence intensity (NFI) function as a measure of the dye efflux of a system C GUV exposed to 1 µM LCAMP m2a. The trace displays multiple changes in leakage dynamics. (B) The −Ln(NFI) plot of the same trace shown in A. (C) This plot shows an example of the continuous change in membrane apparent permeability over the course of the entire leakage process from the data presented in A (as described in the SI Materials and Methods). D–G are the apparent membrane permeability histograms of (D) system A (mammalian biomimetic membrane) exposed to 1 µM m2a, which show the presence of distinct characteristic membrane flux rates or equivalently leakage characteristic times (τ; top axis). (E) System C (bacterial biomimetic) vesicles exposed to 1 µM m2a. (F) System A exposed to 1 µM melittin featuring the presence of flux groupings, although less evident than the case with m2a. (G) System C GUVs exposed to 1 µM melittin.