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. 2017 Sep 18;114(40):10779–10784. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1708025114

Table S1.

Projections of prolactin-sensitive neurons from the MPOA

Brain regions Abbreviations Projections/infected cells
 MPOA MPOA ++/cc
 Medial preoptic nucleus, lateral part MPOL ++/c
 Medial preoptic nucleus, medial part MPOM ++/c
 Anteroventral periventricular nucleus AVPV ++/c
 Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus Pe ++/c
 Ventromedial preoptic nucleus VMPO ++
 Median preoptic nucleus MnPO ++
 Subfornical organ SFO ++
 Paraventricular thalamic nucleus PVN ++
 Tuber cinereum area TC ++
 Arcuate hypothalamic nucleus Arc ++
 Median eminence ME ++
 Medial tuberal nucleus Mtu ++
 Supraoptic nucleus SO ++
 Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus DMH ++
 Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus VMH ++
 Premammillary nucleus, ventral part PMV ++
 Supramammillary nucleus SuM ++
 Vascular organ of the lamina terminalis VOLT +
 Anterior hypothalamic area, anterior part AHA +
 Lateral hypothalamic area LH +
 Lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleus LA +
 Paratenial thalamic nucleus PT +
 Zona incerta ZI +
 Paraventricular thalamic nucleus, anterior part PVA +
 Anterior hypothalamic area, central part AHC +
 Subthalamic nucleus STh +
 Paraventricular thalamic nucleus PV +
 Posterior hypothalamic area PH +
 Parasubthalamic nucleus PSTh +
 Supramammillary nucleus, lateral part SuML +
 Supramammillary nucleus, medial part SuMM +
 Ventral tuberomammillary nucleus VTM +
 Intermediodorsal thalamic nucleus IMD +
 Posteromedian thalamic nucleus PoMn +
 BNST, medial division, posteromedial part BNSTMPM ++/c
 BNST, medial division, anterior part BNSTMA ++
 BNST, medial division, ventral part BNSTMV +
 Lateral septal nucleus, ventral part LSV +
 Central amygdaloid nucleus, medial division, anterodorsal part CeMAD +
 Central amygdaloid nucleus, medial division CeM +
 Central amygdaloid nucleus, capsular part CeC +
 Medial amygdaloid nucleus, posterodorsal part MePD +
 Periaqueductal gray PAG +
 Lateral periaqueductal gray LPAG +
 Interfascicular nucleus IF +
Cortical subplate
 Amygdalohippocampal area, posteromedial part AHiPM +
Fiber tracts
 Stria terminalis st +
 Periventricular fiber system pv +

Brain regions where no projections were found are not included in the table. Areas in which projections occupy 2–20% or <2% of the region of interest were defined as dense or sparse projection areas, respectively. To quantify the number of infected cells that are mCherry-positive, the area of each brain region was measured in ImageJ, and the number of cells within that region was counted. Brain regions were labeled according to the cell density; regions with 1–20 cells per 1 mm2 were classified as containing few cells (c) and those with 20–110 cells per 1 mm2 were classified as containing many cells (cc). c, Few mCherry+ cells; cc, many mCherry+ cells; +, sparse mCherry+ projections; ++, dense mCherry+ projections.