Fig. 7.
Effects of Nardonella suppression on levels of tyrosine and l-DOPA during pupal and adult development of P. infernalis. (A–C) Tyrosine levels in the hemolymph of mature larvae (A), pupae (B), and newly emerged adults (C). (D–F) l-DOPA levels in the hemolymph of mature larvae (D), pupae (E), and newly emerged adults (F). Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (t test; *P < 0.05; ns, no significant difference). Tukey box plots are as shown in Fig. 4 G and H. (G) Color indices of newly eclosed (within 24 h) adult insects defined by the levels of cuticle pigmentation. The younger the insects, the paler their color is. (H and I) Relationships between the levels of cuticle pigmentation and the titers of hemolymph tyrosine (H) or hemolymph l-DOPA (I) in the control insects and the antibiotic-treated insects. Regression lines, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients (ρ), and P values (P) are depicted.