Immune cell population phenotyping in LLC tumour-bearing lungs by flow cytometry. (A) Percentages of neutrophils, eosinophils, alveolar macrophages and monocytes/macrophages in DUSP3+/+ and DUSP3-/- lungs. (B) Absolute number of neutrophils, eosinophils, alveolar macrophages and monocytes/macrophages in DUSP3+/+ and DUSP3-/- lungs. (C-E) Monocytes/macrophages phenotype characterization in LLC tumours: Comparison (C) and percentage (D) of Ly6Bhi, Ly6Bint and Ly6Blow macrophages in DUSP3+/+ and DUSP3-/- mice. (E) Expression of specific macrophages markers in distinct Ly6B+ populations. Alveolar Ф = alveolar macrophages; Mo/MФ = monocytes/macrophages. Student-t-test was used for statistical analysis. *p < 0,05. 3 mice were used in each group and for each experiment. Data shown are representative of 4 different experiments.