A. Representative traces of currents recorded from HEK-IKs cells (control), and HEK-IKs cells transiently expressing PJ-DEAD, PJ-SAC, PJ-INPP5E or PJ with LYN11-FRB. Mean CD (B) and PTCD (C) of currents from HEK-IKs cells transiently expressing PJ (n = 11), PJ-SAC (n = 23), PJ-INPP5E (n = 24) or PJ-DEAD (n = 16) with LYN11-FRB. D. Representative traces of the effect of PJ expression alone (without LYN11-FRB) on IKs in HEK-IKs cells. E. Effect of PJ expression alone (without LYN11-FRB) on IKs PTCD in HEK-IKs cells (PJ-expressing cells, n = 12; control (untransfected cells), n = 12). Data are presented as mean ± S.E.M. * indicates significant difference (P <0.05) from control (untransfected cells) value.