Fig. 4.
Effect of OCH1 disruption on β-galactosidase expression level. (A) Comparison of the growth curves between GSA-Aor (Control) and GSA-Aor-OCH1 in shake-flask cultures. (B) Comparison of the β-galactosidase expression levels between GSA-Aor (Control) and GSA-Aor-OCH1 in shake-flask cultures. β-Galactosidase activities were assayed at the end of fermentation for 96 h. Three parallel flasks are tested for each strain. (C) SDS-PAGE of β-galactosidase between GSA-Aor and GSA-Aor-OCH1 in shake-flask cultures. Samples were subjected to 10% SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue. Lane M, the protein molecular weight standards (120 kDa, 100 kDa, 80 kDa, 60 kDa); Lane 1, supernatant from culture of GSA-Aor; Lane 2, supernatant of GSA-Aor-OCH1; Lane 3, supernatant of GSA-Aor (five-time dilution); Lane 4, supernatant of GSA-Aor-OCH1 (five-time dilution); Lane 5, supernatant of GSA-Aor (five-time dilution) treated with Endo H; Lane 6, supernatant of GSA-Aor-OCH1 (five-time dilution) treated with Endo H; Lane 7, Endo H.