Figure 7.
Spatial extent of synchronized neuronal activity. A, Images of Fluo-4-AM-loaded slices from cortex, CA1 hippocampus, and VB thalamus. Same colored circles designate neurons that displayed event synchronization. Top images indicate two examplar synchronized groups for each area. Bottom images indicate for these exemplar cells those that exhibit synchronized elevations (circled) and neurons that participate in multiple synchronized groups (dotted circles) Scale bar, 50 μm. B, 3D plots with colored circles indicating synchronized neurons. Shading illustrates area encompassed by events (x–y) and vertical axis z shows the emergence of synchronized neurons and slice areas over time. C, Plots of average distance between neurons in a synchronized group in the different brain regions. Cumulative probability plot (right) of distance between synchronized neurons. Bottom, Bar graph of relative proportion of neurons in different brain areas participating in multiple synchronized events during the recording period. D, Interpretation of synchronization data: a single astrocyte (dark blue) releases GT, which activates and so synchronizes multiple neurons (dark orange). E, Depiction of “hub” neuron data interpretation: a single neuron can be activated by GT release from multiple astrocytes, each of which activate a different complement of the local neuronal population.