Individual data for rating pleasantness of auditory scene stimuli. For all individuals in each participant group, mean pleasantness ratings of auditory scene stimuli presented in the emotional congruity test (1, very unpleasant; 5, very pleasant) have been plotted against scene stimulus categories based on pilot healthy control group ratings of constituent sounds (unpleasant, pleasantness of both constituent sounds rated < 3; mixed, pleasantness of one sound > 3, other sound < 3; pleasant, pleasantness of both sounds > 3). On each plot, the solid line shows the calculated mean pleasantness rating of the two constituent sounds in each auditory scene, based on pilot healthy control group data; the dotted line shows the overall mean pleasantness of auditory scene stimuli in each category, as actually rated by participants in the main experiment. bvFTD, patients with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia; SD, patients with semantic dementia.