Partner notification, testing and treatment |
Greater use of telephone interviewing
Greater use of text messaging, geospatial networking applications (GSN apps), and phone/internet enabled technology (e.g. face-time, skype) for partner services
Alter disposition codes to include patient reported and verified outcomes, and to better define when outcomes occur relative to DIS intervention
Triaging of persons with syphilis to different intensities of intervention based on HIV status (including viral suppression)
Promotion of targeted partner services for persons with gonorrhea and/or chlamydia
Integrate expedited partner therapy into partner services for heterosexuals with gonorrhea or chlamydial infection
Changes in DIS policy and performance standards related to telephone interviewing
Development of protocols for text messaging and the use of apps that meet privacy compliance standards
Changes in partner services databases
Refinement of criteria for which persons with gonorrhea or chlamydia receive partner services. Candidate populations include: HIV-infected persons who are out of care or who have a detectable viral load; MSM with rectal gonorrhea; young and/or minority MSM; persons with untreated infections.
HIV testing and retesting of index cases with STIs and high-risk partners of persons with HIV/STI |
Changes in DIS protocols, data collection, and databases to include HIV testing outcomes among index cases and partner (particularly MSM) receiving partner services for STIs
Changes in DIS protocols, data collection and databases to consistently define a retesting reminder plan for each patient
Development of automated text message reminders systems, or procurement of existing systems for use by public health staff
Development of text messaging protocols that meet privacy compliance standards
Integration of home HIV testing kit distribution into partner services to use when HIV testing cannot otherwise occur
Increase condom use |
Changes in DIS protocols, data collection and databases to consistently offer condoms to patients and partners.
Development of increased and improved options to access free condoms
Referral for PrEP |
Development of local guidelines prioritizing PrEP referrals
Integration of PrEP referrals into DIS protocols, including local information on PrEP resources
Development of PrEP clinical infrastructure in STD clinics and other clinical venues
Change field services databases to collect PrEP outcomes
Linkage to HIV care |
Development of local protocols that include jurisdiction specific steps for linking patients to care
Changes in field services records and databases to allow monitoring of linkage to care
Development of monitoring and quality improvement procedures for real-time evaluation of linkage
Development of national trainings for DIS
Relinkage to HIV care |
Integration of STI and HIV databases to identify which persons with STIs are HIV positive and are out of care or not virologically suppressed
Change DIS procedures, data collection instruments, and databases to ascertain care status in HIV infected persons receiving partner services
Ensure DIS have access to HIV surveillance data, particularly data on HIV viral suppression
Development of DIS protocols for relinkage to care
Development of DIS trainings in care relinkage, including training in how to use local resources to relink patients to care
Increase use of effective contraception |
Change DIS procedures and data collection instruments to ascertain contraception use and pregnancy intention
Develop collaborations with local family planning providers to streamline referrals for contraceptive services
DIS training in contraception referral, including development of local resource inventories of sources of family planning services
Referral for health insurance |
Develop effective insurance navigation systems
Changes in DIS procedures and data collection instruments to define the insurance status of partner services recipients and their partners
Develop and train DIS in how to refer patients for assistance obtaining insurance