Can1 is internalized and recycles to the plasma membrane via the Golgi upon Arg addition to the art1 mutant. (A) Scheme illustrating the role of Ypt6 Rab family small GTPase in recycling of membrane proteins from endosomes to the late Golgi complex. (B) Strains (all with gap1Δ can1Δ mutations) carrying or not a deletion of the YTP6 gene, and expressing Can1-GFP, were grown in Gal Pro medium. Glu was added for 1.5 h and then Arg for the time indicated, before imaging by epifluorescence microscopy. (C) Strains expressing Can1-GFP and Sec7-mCherry were grown in Gal Pro medium. Glu was added for 1.5 h and then Arg for 15 min, before imaging by confocal microscopy. Arrows indicate sites of colocalization between Can1 and Sec7. Right: The Pearson’s correlation coefficient for Can1-GFP and Sec7-mCherry are plotted (n = 40 cells). Representations as in Figure 1B.