Figure 3.
Immunostaining for SATB2 expression (brown coloration) in postnatal murine tooth germs at P7. (A) At P7, when the mineralized tissue was gradually deposited, SATB2 expression was still detected in the ameloblasts and dental pulp cells. Basic completion of crown morphogenesis was indicated and initial root development was observed. Magnification, ×40. (B and C) On the pulpal side of root dentin, odontoblasts were lined in a row. SATB2 was still strongly expressed in the odontoblasts in the crown and in the root. Notably, SATB2-positive staining of odontoblasts in the root was more potent compared with that in the crown. Magnification, ×200. Scale bar, 20 µm. ob, odontoblasts; ab, ameloblasts; e, enamel; d, dentin; SATB2, special AT-rich sequence binding protein 2; P, postnatal day.