Schematic diagram illustrating
the experimental setup for the NRVS
experiment including the high-resolution monochromator. Synchrotron
beam is run in pulse mode, and avalanche photodiode, APD, is disabled
during the X-ray pulse (shown bottom left) in order to gate out elastically
scattered 14.4 keV photons, so that only delayed photons corresponding
to nuclear absorption are detected. Lateral APD detectors measure
nuclear absorption, including the vibrational signal, by detecting
6.4 and 14.4 keV fluorescence emitted by excited 57Fe nuclei,
while the coherent forward-scattered 14.4 keV photons reaching the
second APD provide a real-time measure of the experimental resolution
function. Photo at the left is the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne
National Lab. Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory.