Figure 5.
Cesium iodide crystal growth: individual cells FOV. (a)–(c) consecutive screen shots from SEM video of the beam-induced nucleation and growth process of two CsI crystals from saturated aqueous solution (see video SV1 in SI). Although crystals originally nucleate at the wall, at later stages (panel c) they become disconnected from it due to partial dissolution. Beam energy was 15 kV. The scale bar is 1 micron. (d) The SEM image (gray) and EDS maps (colored) of gold, iodine, and cesium recorded from a region with grown CsI crystals. Channels are of the same size as in a). (e) Crystal area vs. time curves extracted from videos SV1–SV3 of SI demonstrates nearly linear dependency. The yellow curve interrupts twice for periods when the beam was blanked. Interestingly, the crystal size neither increases, nor decreases during these periods.