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. 2017 Oct 10;5(10):2325967117731567. doi: 10.1177/2325967117731567


Comparison of Patients With and Without Complicationsa

With Complication (n = 11) Without Complication (n = 38) P Valueb
Age, y 12.7 ± 3.0 13.8 ± 1.7 .13
Sex, % male 73 92 .12
Body mass index 17.6 ± 4.9 26.6 ± 5.4 .002
Physis open, % 78 22 .02
Salter-Harris type, % .06
 Salter-Harris III 17 83
 Salter-Harris IV 50 50
Fracture location, % .03
 Medial femoral condyle 13 87
 Lateral femoral condyle, % 50 50
High-energy mechanism, % 36 18 .24
Initial fracture missed, % 38 24 .13
Treatment approach, % .79
 Arthroscopically assisted 17 83
 Percutaneous 29 71
 Arthrotomy 21 79
Postoperative casting, % 40 10 .03

aComplication defined as a condition that required further surgical treatment other than implant removal or that potentially caused long-term problems. Data for age and body mass index presented as mean ± SD.

bBoldface values indicate P < .05.