For CD patients the disease activity was assessed by the Crohn’s disease disease acitivity index (CDAI). Remission < CDAI 150, mild = CDAI 150–220, moderate/severe > CDAI 220. Disease activity for UC patients was based on the st. Marks score. Remission < score 3, Mild = score 3–4, Moderate/severe > score 4. A) Pro-C5 serum levels in CD patients, B) CRP levels in CD patients, C) Pro-C5 serum levels in UC patients, D) CRP serum levels in UC patients, E) correlation of Pro-C5 with CDAI as compostite index of the predicted values from the logistic regression model when correcting for CRP levels >5 and use of immunosuppressant drugs, and F) correlation of CRP with CDAI as compostite index of the predicted values from the logistic regression model when correcting for use of immunosuppressant drugs. The error bars represent standard error of the mean (SEM). The asterisks (*) represent P-values, *P<0.05, **P<0.01.