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. 2017 Sep 25;20(1):21902. doi: 10.7448/IAS.20.1.21902

Table 4.

Completeness of VL measures and number (percentage) of patients virally suppresseda in their last year of follow-up, by gender and calendar period of ART initiation.

  Calendar period of ART initiation
  2004–2006 2007–2009 2010–2012 2013–2015 Total
Patients (n)                    
 All 11,243 19,148 27,516 14,905 72,812
 Males 3537 6531 8974 4745 23,787
 Females 7706 12,617 18,542 10,160 49,025
VL measures, n (%)                    
 All 8594 76% 14,531 76% 20,337 74% 10,583 71% 54,045 74%
 Males 2593 73% 4791 73% 6356 71% 3279 69% 17,019 72%
 Females 6001 78% 9740 77% 13,981 75% 7304 72% 37,026 76%
Virally suppressedb, n (%)                    
 All 7267 85% 12,056 83% 17,946 88% 9406 89% 46,675 86%
 Males 2136 82% 3804 79% 5413 85% 2854 87% 14,207 83%
 Females 5131 86% 8252 85% 12,533 90% 6552 90% 32,468 88%

aViral suppression: viral load <1000 copies/mL.

bOf those with viral load measures, percentage with viral load <1000 copies/mL.