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. 2017 Oct 10;23:718–739.

Table 2. Putative transcription factor binding sites within the proximal Gng11 promoter*.

Factor Name Position (strand) Core Match Matrix Match Sequence (+ strand)

Pax-4 -1763 (+) 0.979 0.890 attagTCAGGcgtggtagcgg
FOXD3 -1086 (+) 1.000 0.982 caTTGTTttttt
Pax-4 -993 (+) 1.000 0.835 aatggTCATGggtgtcttggg
HNF-1 -952 (+) 1.000 0.862 aGTTAAtatttcacttg
Pax-6 -863 (+) 0.842 0.849 tacatTCATGtttgatttttc
Pax-4 -631 (+) 0.986 0.856 tggtgTCAAGtgtcacccaaa
Nkx2-5 -626 (+) 1.000 1.000 tcAAGTG

*The proximal 2000 bp upstream of the gene Gng11 was downloaded from the hg38 build of the human genome using the UCSC Genome Browser [51]. This sequence was used to query the Transfac 6.0 database using Match v.1.0 [52]. Only vertebrate matrices noted as “high quality” were used, and the cut-off selection for matrix groups was set to minimize false positives. * Position is given relative to the transcriptional start site. Matrix match is a score that describes the quality of a match between a positional weight matrix in TRANSFAC 6.0 and the input sequence. Core match denotes the quality of a match between the core sequence of a transcription factor binding site and the input sequence. For each, a score of 1 denotes an exact match. Capitalized letters in the sequence match the core sequence of the matrix, while the remaining positions of a matrix are lower case.