Figure 9.
The transcriptional expression of six defence genes treated by OG, Foc1 and Foc4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in banana (Musa spp. AAA) roots at different hours after infection. (a) The relative expression level of CHS3 treated by OG, Foc1 and Foc4. (b) The relative expression level of CHS2 treated by OG, Foc1 and Foc4. (c) The relative expression level of CalS5 treated by OG, Foc1 and Foc4. (d) The relative expression level of PAL treated by OG, Foc1 and Foc4. (e) The relative expression level of JAZ treated by OG, Foc1 and Foc4. (f) The relative expression level of GST treated by OG, Foc1 and Foc4. Data represent an average of three replicates ± SD. Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different using Duncan’s multiple range test at P < 0.05 after angular transformation of the data.