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. 2017 Jul 17;28(6):e72. doi: 10.3802/jgo.2017.28.e72

Table 1. The FoP-Q-SF item responses (n=699).

FoP-Q-SF Score
Mean SD
1. Being afraid of disease progression 2.25 1.10
2. Being nervous prior to doctors' appointments or periodic examinations 1.98 1.05
3. Being afraid of pain 2.28 1.24
4. Being afraid of becoming less productive at work 2.05 1.14
5. Having physical symptoms (e.g., rapid heartbeat, stomach ache, nervousness) 2.13 1.08
6. Being afraid by the possibility that the children could contract cancer 1.88 1.04
7. Being afraid of relying on strangers for activities of daily living 1.44 0.78
8. Being afraid of no longer be able to pursue hobbies 1.73 1.01
9. Being afraid of severe medical treatments in course of the illness 2.10 1.18
10. Worrying that medications could damage the body 1.94 1.08
11. Worrying about what will become of the family if something should happen to the patient 2.34 1.28
12. Being afraid of not being able to work anymore 2.04 1.17

FoP-Q-SF, short version of the Fear of Progression Questionnaire; SD, standard deviation.