Figure 5.
Secretion of ANGPTL8. (A) Western blots showing conditioned media (lanes 1–6) and cell lysates (lanes 7–12) from 293T cells transfected with full-length (F) or truncated (T) ANGPTL3 and/or with ANGPTL8. Blots on the right show media after 10-fold concentration using Millipore centrifugal filter units. (B) Western blots against ANGPTL8 showing cell lysates, conditioned media, and 10× concentrated conditioned media from HepG2 cells transfected with full-length ANGPTL3 and/or ANGPTL8. (C) Western blots showing cell lysate (lanes 1–3) and conditioned media (lanes 5–7) from 293T cells transfected with ANGPTL8 alone (lanes 1 and 5), ANGPTL8 alone and incubated in ANGPTL3 conditioned media for 48 h (lanes 2 and 6), or co-transfected with ANGPTL8 and ANGPTL3 (lanes 3 and 7). (D) Western blots showing conditioned media (lanes 1–6) and cell lysates (lanes 7–12) from 293T cells transfected with full-length ANGPTL3 (F), the C-terminal domain of ANGPTL3 (C) and/or with ANGPTL8. All western blots were performed with antibodies against the V5 tag for ANGPTL8 and against the Strep tag for ANGPTL3.